Don't Tell Me
You held my hand and walked me home, I know Why you gave me that kiss It was something like this and made me go ooh ooh You wiped my tears, got rid of all my fears Why did you have to go? Guess it wasn't enough to take up some of my love Guys are so hard to trust
Did I not I tell you that I'm not like that girl? The one who gives it all away, yeah..
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time? Did you think that it was somethin' I was gonna do and cry? Don't try to tell me what to do Don't try to tell me what to say You're better off that way, yeah
Don't think that you're charm And the fact that your arm is now around my neck Will get you in my pants, I'll have to kick your ass And make you never forget I'm gonna ask you to stop Thought I liked you a lot But I'm really upset (really upset) Get out of my head, get off of my bed Yeah, that's what I said
Did I not I tell you that I'm not like that girl? The one who throws it all away
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time? Did you think that it was somethin' I was gonna do and cry? Don't try to tell me what to do Don't try to tell me what to say You're better off that way, yeah
This guilt trip that you put me on Won't mess me up, I've done no wrong Any thoughts of you and me have gone away
Did you think that I was gonna give it up to you, this time? Did you think that it was somethin' I was gonna do and cry? Don't try to tell me what to do Don't try to tell me what to say You're better off that way, yeah
you're Better off that way I'm better off alone anyway
Ne mondd meg
Fogtad a kezem és hazasétáltunk, tudom Amíg csókoltál az volt az a valami ami miatt elmentem oh oh Letörölted könnyeim, megszabadítottál félelmeimtől, miért kellett elmenned? Sejtem nem volt elég hogy elfogad a szerelmem Srácok túl nehéz bízni Nem mondtam volna el, hogy én nem vagyok olyan lány? Aki mindent odaad
Gondoltad feladtam most? Gondoltad ez volt valami, ezt tettem és sírtam? Ne próbáld megmondani mit tegyek, Ne próbáld megmondani mit mondjak, Jobb, hogy leszállsz erről a módszerről.
Ne gondold, hogy a bűvöleted és a tény, hogy a karoddal most átöleled a nyakam Bejuttat majd a bugyimba, szétrúgom a segged és soha nem fogod elfelejteni Megkérlek hogy állj le, gondoltam nagyon kedvellek, de igazán zaklatott vagyok. Szállj ki a fejemből, szállj ki az ágyamból, igen ezt mondtam Nem mondtam volna el, hogy én nem vagyok olyan lány, aki mindent kidob?
Ez a bűnös utazás ami felrakott, elrontott én nem tettem rosszat Bármi gondolat rólad és rólam eltávozott.
Jobb, hogy leszállsz erről a módszerről.
Jobb nekem egyedül. |